What Child is This? ~ The Baby

Today, we begin by discussing the reality it is still Christmas and how we will be continuing our celebration by examining the childhood of Jesus. In this sermon, we discuss the importance of Jesus’ childhood and the reality of the incarnation. The sermon explores the details of Jesus’ infancy, including his circumcision and presentation at…

The Gospel According to Mark ~ Jesus, Jerusalem, & The Second Coming

What Jesus says will happen, will happen. We can trust in what Jesus says because time and time again He proves what He says happen will happen. In this, we should respond accordingly to what He has to say and trust He has it all taken care of each and every day. KEY PASSAGE: Mark…

The Gospel According to Mark ~ Fig Trees & Temples

THINK: About the purpose of Mark writing about the fig tree and the temple the way he does relates to what Jesus is teaching us. KNOW: We have become the temple of God. Have we cleared away the things that don’t belong and made way in our life for the fruit of the Spirit to…