Easter Sunday ~ The Resurrection of Jesus Changes Everything

In this sermon, “The Resurrection of Jesus Changes Everything,” we will stress the importance of the resurrection in our faith and its transformative power. We emphasize that while the cross is crucial, the resurrection is equally significant, and we will highlight its influence on our past, present, and future. The sermon will explain how the…

Jesus Gives – Hope – Give Hope

Summary In this sermon titled “Jesus Gives – Hope – Give Hope,” Pastor Brandon Zoll explores the themes of hope, love, joy, and peace that Jesus brings to our lives. He emphasizes that Jesus was born to be a living sacrifice and our living hope, symbolized by the manger before the cross. The sermon focuses…

Easter Changes Everything

SERMON REFLECTION Memorize 1st Corinthians 15:3-4 THINK About how the resurrection has impacted your life and view of this world.  Has it? KNOW If Christ is risen—then nothing else matters.  This historical fact changes everything.  It is the central point of our faith, and it should bring about personal life-giving change. CHALLENGE Does it matter? …

After Easter ~ What Are You Hoping In?

Join us on a journey of discovering the hope there is in the Resurrection of Jesus.  The hope there is in being a child of the resurrection, a child of Easter Day, and a child of God.  For in Jesus there is no reason to have hoped.  Rather, there is every reason to have hope. Even…

The Gospel According to Mark ~ The Original Ending

Ever wonder why verses 9-20 of Mark’s Gospel in the 16th chapter are in brackets, and why there is typically a note tied to those brackets that says something along the lines, “Some of the earliest manuscripts do not include 16:9-20.” It has this because it wasn’t Mark’s original ending. Rather it was an ending…