Tag: Luke
Advent 2022 ~ Entertaining Angels: Joy That Makes Way for Praise
Can you recall a moment in your life when you fully experienced the joy of the Lord? Not the joy found in this world, but the joy you found in the Lord? That moment of joy, that to this day, elicits joy deep inside your inner being when you think of it because it gave…
Advent 2022: Entertaining Angels ~ Love that Brings Hope, Joy, and Peace
Today as we go into our time to hear and respond to a message from God’s word we discuss the reality of the love Jesus brings and how this is the center of everything we are celebrating this Advent season and every Advent season before and every Advent season that is to come. How without…
What Jesus’ First Advent Was All About
Today in our time to hear and respond to a message from God’s Word we discuss just what exactly Jesus’ First Advent was all about. In particular how we live in a period between times. Jesus’ first and second comings and the mission He has bestowed upon us are fully related to His first coming.…
The Demands of the Road
Today as we go into our time to hear and respond to a message from God’s Word we are going to be looking at four strong and difficult demands given to us as followers of Jesus that are imperative for us to live out to truly follow after Jesus. Looking at Jesus’ own words in…
Advent 2021 ~ Peace that Surpasses
It is the fourth Sunday of Advent and with this, we will be talking about peace. The peace of Christ. A peace that surpasses. A peace that is not of this world and much different than this world. What is peace though? genericforgreece.com How do we find it? What do we do with it? All…
Advent 2021 ~ Joy that Lasts
It is the third Sunday of Advent. As it has been our tradition for the past several years, and the greater church’s tradition the past 1600 years we lit the candle of joy today in our celebration and anticipation for the coming of Jesus our Lord. For Jesus brings us great joy as proclaimed by…
Parables of Lost Things
THINK: About how they have found themselves lost or have seen others go astray, and how easy it is for us through our sinful flesh to allow this to happen. KNOW: God’s purpose, will, desire, and heart is always on of redemption, reconciliation, reclamation, and restoration even though we may face the consequences for our…
After Easter ~ What Are You Hoping In?
Join us on a journey of discovering the hope there is in the Resurrection of Jesus. The hope there is in being a child of the resurrection, a child of Easter Day, and a child of God. For in Jesus there is no reason to have hoped. Rather, there is every reason to have hope. Even…
Will the Rocks Cry Out – Holy Week 2020
In a season as we find ourselves in presently in this world it can be hard for us to find a reason to shout joys of acclamation. Ain’t no one filling the streets in this day and age due to present circumstances. Will the rocks cry out? Luke 19:28-40 (Audio Only)
Star Wars & Redemption
I recently submitted a devotional for a book being published in the near future called Thy Geekdom Come 2, and I felt a need to share it because I think it really speaks into the heart of some of the themes we have been exploring at our church. It also reaches back to two messages…