Tag: Forgiveness
The Peculiar Kingdom of God & Its People ~ Forgiveness
Today, as we open the Word of God. We will continue our series over the sermon on the mount regarding the peculiar kingdom of God and its people. In particular, we are continuing to dive deeply into what has become known as the Lord’s prayer and learning more about how Jesus teaches His people, a…
The Peculiar Kingdom of God & its People ~ Retaliation & Forgiveness ~ Part 2
We have been on a journey through the sermon on the mount, discovering the truly peculiar nature of God’s Kingdom and its people. Join us on this journey as we continue where we left off in Matthew 5:38-42 in part two of a two-part sermon, where we examine what Jesus teaches in His fifth, “I…
The Peculiar Kingdom of God & its People ~ Retaliation & Forgiveness
THINK About how we usually respond to insult and injury caused by others. KNOW Jesus calls His people to the highest standards and to live in harmony and peace with others. He calls us to lay down our presupposed right to retaliation to take on a life of forgiveness. Do Live in the manner worthy…
The Peculiar Kingdom of God and its People ~ Blessed are the Merciful
Today as we continue our journey through the Sermon on the Mount we continue our journey through Jesus’ opening words, The Beatitudes. The blessed attitudes and virtues of the Kingdom of God and its people. Today we see a noticeable shift in Jesus’ teaching. He is no longer speaking of beatitudes of need or aspiration,…
Living 70×7 Unoffended ~ Living for More Than You
Today we continue our series on living 70×7 Unoffended and continue seeking how do we actually do this. In particular, we look to the wisdom Paul shares with us in Philippians 2:1-11. Where we discover we must not only see people the way Jesus sees them. We must also treat them the way Jesus treated…
Living 70×7 Unoffended ~ Killing Ego
THINK: About if we have truly killed their ego, and how their identity when not founded in Christ will always lead us to the paths of offense. KNOW: Forgiveness of others begins only with the surrendering of our will and desires and we stop seeing the world through our eyes but through the eyes of…
Living 70×7 Unoffended ~ What Does it Mean?
Think: About what living unoffended can do for their relationship with themselves and others. Discovering how there is great power in the Christian life to live unoffended, because Jesus lived unoffended. Know: Living unoffended is a key factor in truly living out the Biblical mandate to forgive one another as God has forgiven us. Feel:…