What makes a worship service good?  What makes a worship service bad?  What is the measure of success we give to a successful service?

Our family just witnessed today one of the most wonderful things happen during a service of worship in the church.  It reminded me a lot of something Francis Chan wrote in his book Letters to the Church.

He says this when describing what he considered to be the ideal church,

“First, I wanted all of us to sing directly to God.  And I mean really sing.  I’m not talking about going through the motions of singing out of routine or guilt.  Have you ever been part of a group of people actually singing directly to God? Singing with reverence and emotion? Singing as though God is really listening to their voices?  That is a powerful experience, and I wanted it to be central to our new church.”

He describes here what I believe worship through song should be.  In particular, I would sum up his definition using Jesus’ actual words in John 4:24,

“God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”

Worship is something we must do with our entire being in every moment of every day.  Especially during times, we as the church have gathered for the explicit purpose of worshiping and glorifying God.  Today we witnessed this in the church we visited today.

During the second verse of one of our favorite worship songs “Build Your Kingdom Here.”  The lead rhythm guitar player who was setting tempo, pace, and tone for the whole team had a D string break.  He seemed to also be playing in the key of D.  For those who have never studied music or played guitar.  It is hard to play in the key of D without a D string.  He stopped playing the worship team stopped playing and singing.  Guess what happened next?

I half expected the congregation to follow the lead and just stop as the worship team stopped.  This is what normally happens in praise and worship in churches when disaster strikes.   However, there was something different about this community of faith.  There was something different about the atmosphere of this church.  Without skipping a beat the congregation continued in song LOUDLY.

“Build Your Kingdom Here.”

They continued to sing and glorify God and plead and pray with the songs of their voice.  They continued to worship God without the instruments, the speakers, the worship leaders.  They continued, and let me tell you the gates of Hell were bulldozed by that church today.  They demonstrated what it meant to worship God in Spirit and truth.  For they knew they were made to worship, and for this purpose they sang.  They glorified God.  Despite the circumstances.  Despite what many would consider a nightmare of a situation.  Pastors have nightmares about stuff like this happening.

No, not in this church.  They came prepared to give their all, and that is exactly what they did, and it blessed my soul.

How could we all learn from this and put aside our personal preferences of songs and instruments, and just come to the communion of all believers ready to give Jesus our all?  Even when the D string breaks.

God set His rule and reign today in that church, and I am so glad we decided to be a part of it today.  The pastor of this congregation should be proud of his people and be overjoyed for what God is doing in their community of faith.

To answer the questions above.  I believe it is our attitude and hearts and our focus on Jesus our subject.