Our Daily Bread ~ Be Still? HOW!!!

This is the first sermon of a new series we have entered into in response to the situation we face with Covid-19.  In particular, in this series, we are going to be addressing our great need to be more than verse of the day Christians if we are to truly live and survive in our life of faith, but even more than this so that we could truly thrive.  In this, we are discussing the vital nature of saturating our lives with the full Word of God and not just a verse here and a verse there.

To do this we will be examining different verses we tend to lean on and fall over within times of crisis due to their easier said than done natures, and in this, we are asking how it is we can practically apply them in our lives making something we once said is easier said than done second nature to us.

This Sunday we look at the famous verse 10 of the 46th Psalm, which says, “Be still and know that I am God.”

In our examination of this passage and its context within the Word of God, we discover three profound pieces of practical advice to truly live it.  We hope this will inspire, encourage, and teach you the fullness of this blessing to truly be still in Christ letting Christ go before you and fight the battles in front of you and in this give you the capability to do just this.

We do apologize for the audio.  Our streaming equipment failed this last Sunday along with our recording measures, and we were able to recover only so much of this Sunday’s sermon, but we were able to rerecord the missing 1/3 at the end.  Either way, we hope it will encourage you on the way.

~ Pastor Brandon ~

Be Still? HOW!!!