New Beginnings ~ Christmas is a Season of new Beginning

THINK: About if they are truly allowing Jesus to rebirth their lives, to the fullness of life he brings by making them new again as He has come to make them new.

KNOW: Jesus has come to make things new. Jesus is the new thing God is doing and is the new thing God is having Isaiah prophesy about. We are also in a season of newness, and there is no better time to be made new again in Christ than the season of celebration of His first coming, and the secular day of newness we celebrate every year known as New Years.

FEEL: A need to be made new and whole in Jesus once and for all and accept the great gift Jesus offers, and this isn’t fire insurance He is offering. He is offering us the chance of having a new life free from the burdens of sin. Freed from sin’s bondage and chains to instead have the fullness of life in Him, life abundantly in Him, life as He intended.

DO: Step out in faith and be fully born again, seek to be fully sanctified, leaving behind their life of sin for life in Him.

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