Sarah Zoll

Nana, Mom, Friend, Master Chef, Ect.

I wear a lot of hats as I fill the role that I am needed in.

I was born and raised in Southern Indiana; the youngest of six. Our family was Roman Catholic, and that’s how I was brought up. There were several years in my early adulthood where I even worked for the Catholic Church in the Religious Education Department as Secretary, Elementary Coordinator, Music Coordinator, and eventually Director of Religious Education. There came a time when I didn’t just think of myself as a Catholic, but of a more ecumenical Christian.

When my son and his family moved to Illinois (4 hours away), I visited on occasion, but it just wasn’t enough. After some careful thought and prayer, I bit the bullet and moved to Illinois to be closer to them. Being with them is such a blessing. Family Game Night is the best; even if we have to let Brandon win so he can think he’s “Lord of Cataan”.

Music is my passion; I love listening to music as well as singing. I love being part of a Worship Team. To me, there’s no better way to worship than through song. It’s my favorite form of prayer. It’s especially great when Brandon and I get to do a song together.

If I’m not singing you will probably catch me crafting it up. Yes, I’m that grandma that loves to sit in her rocker and crochet. It’s therapeutic for me. If I’m having a bad day at work, I can come home, start crocheting, and it makes me feel better; it relaxes me. Some of my former coworkers in Indiana probably recall seeing me in the cafeteria working on my latest creation on my lunch hour.

I really enjoy cooking for the family and love to share recipes I have learned throughout my life. It’s so much more fun cooking for six instead of one.

I’m a Hoosier thru and thru. So no matter where this journey takes us, I’ll always remember my Indiana roots.

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