Category: Uncategorized
Spiritual Disciplines: P.R.A.Y. ~ Ask
In this sermon, “P.R.A.Y. ~ Ask,” returns to our focus this year on Spiritual Discipline. Returning to our exploration of prayer and the importance of approaching God with reverence and faith that we can have in doing as we have discussed these past several weeks to understand what we are doing in that we are…
Journey to the Cross ~ Will Jesus Weep?
In this sermon, “Jesus Enters In,” we delve into the importance of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. We will emphasize Jesus’ deliberate actions, fulfilling prophecy and offering peace. Despite cheers, Jesus weeps over Jerusalem’s failure to understand His message of salvation. We will be urged to reflect on our response to Jesus’ invitation…
The Peculiar Kingdom of God & its People ~ Retaliation & Forgiveness
THINK About how we usually respond to insult and injury caused by others. KNOW Jesus calls His people to the highest standards and to live in harmony and peace with others. He calls us to lay down our presupposed right to retaliation to take on a life of forgiveness. Do Live in the manner worthy…
C.H.U.R.C.H. ~ Community of Belonging
THINK: What is this thing? Who is this thing Jesus is building called the church? Do I belong to his Church? Am I living for what Jesus died for? KNOW: We are in this together, every one of us. We are the church. It is not brick and mortar. The Church Jesus builds is a…
Art Camp: Creativity, God, and Us
Today we see and learn about all our kiddos learned and did this past week at Art Camp. ((Audio Only))
A Thing Called Trust
Trusting in God is easier said than done when we allow our logic, our understanding, our ways to get in the way. How do we trust when all reason tells us we would be fools to do so? (Audio Only)
Are We Playing to Win?
THINK: About whether their life of faith is best described as on offense or defense? KNOW: Jesus intended for His church to be on offense against this world and its master. FEEL: A need to be bold and go forth as we have been commanded. PRINCIPLE PASSAGE: Matthew 16:13-20 (Audio Only)
New Beginnings ~ People Don’t Change?
Acts 9:1-31 Do people change? Can people change? This is the topic at hand as we continue in our series of New Beginnings. If people can’t change, then this hope of a new beginning is a hopeless endeavor. The truth is people in themselves don’t change, but Jesus can and will change people. (Audio Only)