Category: Resilient Faith
Resilient Faith ~ Has Meaningful Faith Relationships
Over the past several weeks we have been looking at what it means to have resilient faith. Faith that can stand firmly for Christ no matter what it may face in this world. Even if. Even if it would cost us everything. We have been looking at what it means to have this faith, and…
Resilient Faith ~ Practices Cultural Discernment
Resilient faith in Christ, faith that can stand boldly in the face of the pseudo-Babylonian anti-faith culture we live in is a faith that not only knows how to discern ethics, right from wrong, good from evil in a Godly manner. It is a faith that seeks to put such discernment into practice every day,…
Resilient Faith ~ Lives for Jesus
Today we continue our series Resilient Faith, which is a discussion on how we can stand boldly for Christ in the midst of a world that wants nothing to do with Christ. Today being Scout Sunday, as we celebrate the Lord with our local Scout Troops from all over Tulare County, we are going to…
Resilient Faith ~ Experiencing Jesus
We have become very efficient in knowing about Jesus. We need to be more efficient in knowing Jesus, experiencing Jesus, and living for Jesus, so we could ever hope to actually make Him known. However, resilient faith, faith that can stand in exile, is more than head knowledge. It is a faith that has and…
Resilient Faith ~ GIGO
The obvious truth of the present age is we live in a post-Christian society. In fact, we live in a post faith society. As our society by and large is going more and more resistant to any idea of a transcendent being or God. What is the church to do in such times? How are…