Category: God the Father: God above Us
The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit – Invited into a Relationship With Him
Here is our message from Sunday, July 5th, 2020. About Our God three in one as we wrap up our multi-series series on who God is, what He has done, and how we should respond in this. ((Audio Only))
God the Father: God Above Us: The Love of the Father
Today we turn to 1 John 3:1-3 and discover a wonderful truth in regards to the love of our most heavenly Father. Showing us who we are, what we are to become, and how we are to respond in this. ((Audio Only))
God the Father: God Above Us: The Holiness of God
Our Father who is in Heaven? This is what we look into today as we dive deeply into a commonly known passage in the book of Exodus to discover the Holiness of God, and what this means in relation to us. (Audio Only)