Today we will briefly pause this week from our sermon series over the Sermon on the Mount. To carry on a historical tradition of faithful followers of Jesus throughout the church’s history to reflect and remember a very special and significant moment of Jesus’ life leading up to the crucifixion and death, and ultimately to…
Category: Brandon’s Blog & Vlog
The Peculiar Kingdom of God & its People ~ Adultery & Sin
Today we continue our journey through the Sermon on the Mount and enter into our second ethical teaching given to us by Jesus in the second section of Jesus’ teaching. In the section known as the, “I say to you, sayings of Jesus.” Learning today what Jesus has to say about adultery and sin. ((Audio…
The Peculiar Kingdom of God & its People ~ Anger & Murder
In today’s message, we continue taking our time this year to dive deeply and learn from what is claimed by many as the greatest moment of teaching in the Bible that is given directly to us from Jesus to those who would desire to be His disciples, who would desire to follow His way. Those…
The Peculiar Kingdom of God & its People ~ I Say to You
Today we return to Matthew chapter five. Last week we finished our exploration of the beatitudes, the blessed attitudes, and the virtues of God’s Kingdom and its people, which was just the beginning of a much larger exploration of what we know today, as the Sermon on the Mount. Insomuch, as our journey through the…
The Peculiar Kingdom of God & its People ~ Persecuted
Today we examine the final beatitude in the introduction of the Sermon on the Mount. In this, we tie them all together to show how they are a collective whole, and how you cannot have one without the other. We also examine what it is Jesus means when He says blessed are those who are…
The Peculiar Kingdom of God & its People ~ Peacemakers
Today as we continue our journey through the Sermon on the Mount we continue our journey through Jesus’ opening words, The Beatitudes. The blessed attitudes and virtues of the Kingdom of God and its people. We continue where we left off in verse nine of Matthew five, which is the seventh beatitude. “Blessed are the…
What is Revival & Do We Really Desire It?
Today we are taking a slight detour that isn’t much of a detour at all from our study of the Beatitudes, the blessed attitudes and virtues of God’s Kingdom and its people. Today we are going to talk about Revival, in light of the events happening in our nation right now in Wilmore, Kentucky at…
The Peculiar Kingdom of God and its People ~ Blessed are the Pure of Heart
Today as we continue our journey through the Sermon on the Mount we continue our journey through Jesus’ opening words, The Beatitudes. The blessed attitudes and virtues of the Kingdom of God and its people. We continue where we left off in verse eight of Matthew five, which is the sixth beatitude. “Blessed are the…
The Peculiar Kingdom of God and its People ~ Blessed are the Merciful
Today as we continue our journey through the Sermon on the Mount we continue our journey through Jesus’ opening words, The Beatitudes. The blessed attitudes and virtues of the Kingdom of God and its people. Today we see a noticeable shift in Jesus’ teaching. He is no longer speaking of beatitudes of need or aspiration,…
The Peculiar Kingdom of God and its People ~ Blessed are the Hungry & Thirsty
What do you hunger and thirst for in this life? Today’s word from God’s word begs us to ask this simple yet profound question. As dieticians say, “You are what you eat.” With this being understood we should be mindful of what it is we consume in our life of faith to ensure it is…