THINK: About the troubles, we all face in this life, and whether God has ceased to be good. KNOW: Understand God hasn’t changed one bit, and He can use the most crummy, sad, and hard situations in our life to bring something good. Even if we don’t see it presently. We know who Jesus is,…
Category: Brandon’s Blog & Vlog
Teach Us How to Pray ~ Ask, Seek, & Knock
THINK: About how God truly answers prayer and how we have been invited to raise petitions before God. About how there is a great promise in all of the teachings on prayer Jesus teaches us. To think about, “How much more will God.” KNOW: Jesus intends for us to be sufficient in Him. To have…
Teach Us How to Pray ~ Pray Like This
THINK: About how God has called us to pray and if they have kept in mind who God is in their prayer and what God invites into our lives through prayer. KNOW: Prayer is a powerful and wonderful tool when approached with the right understanding of what prayer is. In particular, the act of prayer…
Teach Us How to Pray ~ When You Prayer…
This is the beginning of our sermon series on prayer as we rapidly approach Ignition Week, which is a week we set aside for the purpose of igniting our hearts in prayer as a church. In particular, we look at two instances of Jesus’ teaching on prayer. One in the Gospel of Matthew 6:5-15 and…
Who is Your Life’s Guide
In today’s modern culture there is a common thread of teaching being taught as the magical key to happiness, and I believe it to be the cause of the steady moral decline in the world today. I believe that instead of providing happiness it does the opposite. This common teaching is found in simple phrases…
Church of God Arise
THINK: About what Jesus’ will, desire, promise is for us His church. To be united and holy, and for what sake. The very sake He has for us in His Church in His Kingdom. KNOW: Jesus is the subject and He has sent us forth on a mission of reclamation. To continue in His work…
Are We Ready? Are We Willing?
THINK: About being ready in how God is calling to us, how God’s calls come in a variety of shapes and forms if we are listening for His call, and in listening are we willing to answer yes. It doesn’t matter who we are and what we have done in the past. God is calling….
To What End?
THINK: About what they are saved for and for who we live for. To what end is our faith? Also, to what end do those we follow live for. KNOW: The call of the Christian is never to bring glory to ourselves. Rather it is to bring glory to God. Jesus is the subject,…
Why Would We Ever Look Back?
THINK: About the things of our past lives before Christ we just haven’t been able to let go of. KNOW: It is important for us to truly let our old lives of sin to die to truly turn and repent and live fully in Christ. FEEL: A desire to let go of past things. DO:…
Too Far Gone?
THINK: About moments they have felt too far gone or have felt others are beyond redemption. KNOW: With certainty, there is no such thing as too far gone in God’s Kingdom, and redemption awaits those who come into a knowing relationship with Christ, and yes people don’t have the power to change people. However, God…