We are marked and sealed by God’s Holy Spirit when we are in Christ. We are people of Pentecost. What does this mean? What does this look like? In particular, it means we will be a people and looks like being people who walk in the Holy Spirit of God. What does that mean and…
Category: Brandon’s Blog & Vlog
People of Pentecost ~ Water & Spirit
Today we enter into the wonderful celebration of Pentecost. The birth of the church. The day and season we celebrate and remember the fulfillment of the promise given to us through Christ in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. What does this mean though? What does this look like? That is what we are going…
After Easter ~ No Longer Orphans – Never Alone
Jesus is with us. Through the Spirit of God. Jesus is with us. Right here right now. This is our promised hope as children of Easter, children of the resurrection, and children of God. We are not left as orphans, but He has come for us. He has come for us and is with us,…
After Easter ~ Christ Will Come Again
Christ has died, Christ is risen, and Christ will come again setting the record straight once and for all, finishing what was started so long ago, and in this, we have a great hope beyond hope. Hope that no matter what we feel, what we may face, the losses we may grieve in this life…
After Easter ~ Jesus is Enough
Have you ever felt stuck in your life of faith? Have you ever felt like things in life were not moving forward? Paul gives us some practical advice in a much different situation than our own, but surely applies to our own about how we could truly move forward in our relationship with Jesus, and…
After Easter ~ What Are You Hoping In?
Join us on a journey of discovering the hope there is in the Resurrection of Jesus. The hope there is in being a child of the resurrection, a child of Easter Day, and a child of God. For in Jesus there is no reason to have hoped. Rather, there is every reason to have hope. Even…
After Easter ~ Now What
Yes, it is still Easter, it is a season, and as we discussed last week it is a lifestyle and way of living as Children of the Resurrection, but the reality is Easter day has come and gone. The resurrection of Jesus has taken place. HE HAS RISEN!!! What now? What do we do now…
The Gospel According to Mark ~ The Original Ending
Ever wonder why verses 9-20 of Mark’s Gospel in the 16th chapter are in brackets, and why there is typically a note tied to those brackets that says something along the lines, “Some of the earliest manuscripts do not include 16:9-20.” It has this because it wasn’t Mark’s original ending. Rather it was an ending…
The Gospel According to Mark ~ Crowds & Emotions
It is so easy to get swept away with the pervasive opinion of the day and to just go along with the crowd. May it never be so for us in matters of faith. May we truly celebrate and worship Jesus for who He really is and what He really is doing. Not what it…