Parables of Lost Things

THINK: About how they have found themselves lost or have seen others go astray, and how easy it is for us through our sinful flesh to allow this to happen. KNOW: God’s purpose, will, desire, and heart is always on of redemption, reconciliation, reclamation, and restoration even though we may face the consequences for our…

Who, What, When, Where, Why, How? The Church? ~ Vision Part 1: What & How

As we have been discussing these past several weeks the mission and vision given to us, His Church is very clear. We exist to know Christ and make Him known. This is our mission. In this, we are being led to our vision of becoming the forerunners of the transformation in our city, through the…

Who What When Where Why How? The Church? ~ A Thing Called Vission

We have discussed why the church exists, what this looks like, and how we accomplish this purpose and mission God has given us. Now we turn to where. Where does this take us? What is the vision God has for us His church here in Exeter.  As we round the corner of 110 years of…

Who What When Where Why How? The Church? ~ A look at Mission

Today we are asking three core questions in regards to the purpose of the church.  We are asking why do we exist, what does this look like lived out, and how do we do this.  Through seeking the Lord through the Holy Spirit we discover mission and vision.  Today, in particular, we will discuss missional…

Veritas ~ The Importance of Truth

Jesus gives us a clear cut warning and clear cut instructions in Matthew 7:15-20.  In particular, He shows us. Knowing the truth and living in the truth is critically important in the life of the  believer. Why? False teachers and false prophets abound in this world. How do we know them? By the truth? How…

Do Not Do to One Another

Today we are continuing and finishing a journey we began many weeks ago to discover the family rules of life and ethos’ there are in the family of God, and as we have addressed every week, these are simply a set of practices, relational rhythms, lived out as individuals and with one another day-to-day; customs,…

Humility Towards One Another

Humility is important, why? What is humility, and how exactly has God called us to live this out in His family?  This is what we discuss in today’s exploration of the Word of God as we continue to look at the various one another statements found throughout the New Testament.  Learning the family rules to…