Calling ~ Is There More Than This?

THINK:  About how they have been called to a greater purpose than anything this world has to offer.  How yes they have been given a specific calling by God, but more importantly they have been given a great general calling by God to once again be image-bearers and signposts for all of the creation pointing…

Why the Holy Spirit?

Today is Pentecost and we are going to be asking a very pivotal question.  It isn’t why the Holy Spirit as the message title describes.  It is rather has the Holy Spirit brought about actual lived experiences with Christ here on Earth as it is in Heaven in your life?  We are going to be…

Compassion Sunday ~ Meet Them in Their Affliction

It is Compassion Sunday and as we discuss the impact we can have by becoming compassion sponsors we are going to turn to the Word of God and see God’s calling to things just like this.  To not just care for the least of these, but to meet them in their affliction, and what exactly…