Today due to the flu sweeping across our leadership team and worship team alike we have been given a wonderful opportunity to step back. To step back into the basics of what we are doing and why we are doing it. In particular, step back asking what worship is exactly. As we have no musicians…
Category: Brandon’s Blog & Vlog
Coworkers With Christ
Today we explore the reality that God has called us to work alongside Him and with Him. He has invited us to take part in His Kingdom’s work. We are going to explore the book of James 5:17-18 to see how we just like Elijah are invited into this as we look at Elijah’s story…
C.H.U.R.C.H. ~ Home
Have you ever heard the expression, “Home is where the heart is?” Today we finish up our series on what the church is. What this gathering Jesus first spoke into existence when He said He would build it upon the profession of faith of Peter. A moment captured for us in Matthew 16:18. Today as…
C.H.U.R.C.H. ~ Christ-Centered
Today we continue in our discussion of what exactly this gathering is Jesus called His church. What is it? Is it what it is supposed to be? Is it what it is supposed to be? We continue today to build upon all we have learned so far. In particular, how the church is a community…
C.H.U.R.C.H. ~ Reclaimed & Reclaimers
THINK: About the areas in their life that need to be reclaimed. KNOW: There are things the Devil has stolen, and God is in the reclamation business. FEEL: God has given them the ability to declare victory and join Him in His mission of reclamation. DO: Be a part of the family business to know…
C.H.U.R.C.H. ~ United in Christ
Have you ever thought about the breadth and scope of the church’s mission? To seek and save the lost. To reach the nations. To not stop until all have heard the good news of Jesus Christ. It is a lot. How are we ever to do it? On our own. We can’t, but we can…
C.H.U.R.C.H. ~ Holy & Set Apart
THINK: What does it mean to live Holy and set apart? What does it mean to live in holiness? KNOW: Obedience and Holiness are not an option it is a command because it is essential. It is what God intends for us and is what is best for us. It is something we are called…
Jesus Wept
Today in light of the many recent events that have caused pain and sorrow in our family of families. We are taking some time to practice what Paul commands of us in Romans 12:15. We are taking some time to mourn and grieve together. We are also taking some time to find hope together. Knowing…
Calling ~ When?
Today we address the forgotten question about calling. In particular, when this thing called calling happens in our lives. In short, it happens when God calls. It happens anytime, anywhere, anyplace, at any age when God wills. In fact, as long as there is breath in our lungs God is not done. Young or young…
Calling ~ How is it Found – Part 2
THINK: More about the nature of calling is given to us by God and not something we choose. KNOW: God has given us a calling and it can be found, and how God uses every part of our life uniquely position us for just this. FEEL: An urge to seek how it is their gifts, talents, experiences,…