Advent 2019 ~ Good News ~ Joy in Brokenness

Joy rescues us when we feel most broken.

THINK: About how just the idea of Jesus brings joy.  Even in the middle of the hardest brokenness and deepest of sorrows, and how much more joy the reality of Jesus can bring no matter how broken, sorrowful, or beaten we may feel we are.

KNOW: In Christ, we are not condemned in our brokenness, nor are we condemned in our sorrows, rather we are reassured in Him in who He is.

FEEL: Joyful in remembering who Christ is and what Christ has done.  To feel and truly believe their broken state or mournful state is not permanent but only here today and gone the next.

DO: Focus and live in Christ allowing Him to bring them joy like John needed joy when facing certain execution.

Principe Passage: Luke 1:39-45 & Luke 7:18-28

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