n, Where, Why, How? The Church? ~ Vision Part 2: Where & Who

Today we continue looking at our vision given to us by God.

To be the forerunners of the transformation in our city through the gospel of Jesus Christ, one disciple at a time.

We are going to be asking where is it exactly we are to be doing this and who it is we are to be reaching?

More resources and information from today’s message are below.



Today’s Challenge Given by the Word

Who is it God has put in your life to do what others did for you to help you know Him more?


Who are those people of peace?


God is calling you to know Him more and more to make Him known all the more to who?


Identifying Those People of Peace

  • People who welcome you
  • People who receive you
  • People who are open to you and your friendship
  • People who are open to hearing about Jesus
  • People interested in and open to living by your example in Christ
  • People who assist or serve you in some way.

Biblical References Markers of People of Peace

  • Luke 7:1-10 (The Centurion)
  • John 4:1-30 (The Samaritan Woman)
  • Acts 8:26-40 (The Ethiopian Eunuch)
  • Acts 10:9-11:1 (Cornelius)
  • Acts 16:13-15 (Lydia)
  • Acts 16:22-38 (The Philippian Jailer)

Revolution 360 Challenge

Who are your three to pray for six times a day and seek to miss zero opportunities to share the hope you have in Jesus with?

Remember you are the laborer God is sending forth into the harvest of these lives.

1. __________________________________

2. __________________________________

3. __________________________________