THINK: About the meaning and significance of Ash Wednesday and the Lenten season, and how it can help spur them on into a healthy faith practice when practice for the right reason with the right mindset. For the reason of repentance, remembrance, and reclamation. With a repentant mind, a heart of remembrance, and reclaiming hands.
KNOW: Ash Wednesday and the Lenten season is not just a Catholic thing. It is a Christian thing, and the reason and means to this day known as Ash Wednesday and this season of Lent can help us draw more into Christ and more away from the patterns of this world. This day and season can actually help us and spur us further into intimacy with Christ through repentance, remembrance, and reclamation.
FEEL: A need to practice repentance, practice remembrance, and reclamation. Not just on the day of Ash Wednesday and during the season of Lent, but every day of their lives seeking to repent, remember, and reclaim.
DO: Enter into a repentant mindset, with a heart of remembrance, and actions of reclamation.
Key Passage: John 2
(Audio Only)